
to commemorate the day. The Church welcomed its Junior and Youth Choirs on July 27, 1961. Composed of forty-four members, the choirs were founded by and are under the direction of Mrs. Tom Saris. The purpose of these choirs is to train and prepare the young people to become members of the Senior Choir and to better know and understand the Liturgy and special hymns for the feast days.

A belated event finally came to its rightful fulfillment
on November 12, 1961, when a memorial monument and plaque was completed and dedicated at the north front of the Church, commemorating the boys of our community who gave their lives for their Country during World War II. Appearing on the plaque are the names:

Anthony Genoozis*
Chris Kanatas*
Stephen L. Rollis"2" John G. Steffens*

Among the dignitaries attending the ceremonies were Mark McElroy, Attorney General of Ohio, the representa- tive of the Greek Consulate of Chicago, and an honor guard from Lockbourne Air Force Base. Thomas Kanatas, president of the Community, and Spiro Bleas, chairman of the event, placed a wreath at the foot of the monument


This message appears on the cornerstone of the present church. The English translation follows:

The beginning of sponsoring the establishment of the church of Columbus, Ohio, was initiated by a fund drive for a rental area for use of church services in 1914 by Alex Petrides, Deno Chakeres, Michael Naoum, Peter Karres, John Paraskeuopoulos (Pappas) and the Pastor Rev. Nathaniel Sideris.

The present church was erected in 1922 during the tenure of office of the following council:

Pastor Rev. Cyril Georgiades
Angelo Freemas, President
Louis Anast, Vice President
Manel Petropoulcs, Treasurer Peter Kalantzopoulos (Brown),
Anthony Zanetos, Angelo Alexopoulos, George Georgeakopoulos, Michael Naoum, Prok. Zaharopoulos

First Liturgy celebrated March 27, 1922

following special prayers by Father Economides, assisted by the Altar boys and the Senior Choir. A ride salute followed by taps closed the affair.

The Greek community now looked forward to the
holidays as the end of the year came. Fifty years, a short time in history, but a long and full period in the
memory of the Greek people of Columbus, and the
surrounding community. Our older members will look back with nostalgia and pride, our second generation with admiration and pride, and our third generation growing up now with love and respect for those "old timers'" who came, and with the grace of God, contributed to the wonderful Greek Community of and around central Ohio.

The second fifty years of the Church and Community have started under the spiritual guidance of Father Anthony J. Sarris and a thriving parish of approxi-mately 350 to 400 families.

We are born day after day.
In what is past we have no more a part.
The hours of yesterday — mere aliens they,
Today our future life afresh we start.

Poet of Alexandria, 400 A.D.

*indicates those who are deceased.

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