Many will remember the groundbreaking ceremonies for the
Hellenic Community Center in September, 1950. From left
S to right are Gus Rorris, Anthony J. Nelson*, The Reverend
George Zoganas, James A. Rhodes, then mayor of Columbus,
Harry Kussurelis, and James Tertegas.
ship for the men of the community. Dr. George M. Jameson was elected their first president, Gus Chakeres, secretary, and John Sariotis, treasurer. The Big Brothers
served the community by catering weddings and receptions, entertained the community by producing variety
shows, gave benefit dances, and cooked and served the
first Fish Fry on February 7, 1951. They also conducted
a drive for the pews which were installed in 1954.
These post-war years of hard work created an in-
creased awareness of the place of the Church and its
activities in the lives of the Community. Father Zoganas
encouraged the people to participate more fully. The
Greek school enrollment increased and a Parent Teachers
Association was formed to help the program in any way
In October, 1953, Father Paul Economides was sent
to our Community as our new priest. Under his leader-
ship, guidance, and foresight the years of great progress
began. Our Church was redecorated and refurbished in
the true Byzantine manner. A German artist, Mr. Lamens,
was commissioned to do the interior, resulting in the
' beautiful gold color scheme, the breathtaking beauty of
the icon behind the altar and the unusual ceiling with
o its angels and clouds. This was done at a cost of $8000,
which was financed by Philoptochos. The altar was rebuilt
s and redesigned, as were the chanters' station and the new
pulpit. A sound system was installed. Donations by members of the Church many of these improvements possible.