I thank my husband Mikis and our two boys
for their patience and support as this project
ran on much longer than predicted.
With the blend of my love of history and our community, this commemorative book becomes
a precious possession that records the pride of
our community's past. I have accomplished this
goal with the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
meticulous inquiries, and love.
Diana Synadinos


Seated , L. to R.: Mike Kanatas, Tom Zanetos,
Dr. George Jameson.
Standing, L. to R.: Nick
Mamais, Becky Regas, Diana Synadinos, Billie
Chakeres, Mike Chakeres, John Davies
Our hope is that with all the growth that has
taken place during the past 25 years and with
the decisions that have been made that affect
us now and in the future, our sons and daughters will be able to look back on this period and
speak well of our efforts in the 100th Anniversary Album in 2012.