
Pictured above are the first members who formed the Big Brothers Organization at the Church. Dr. George M. Jameson, their first president, is shown seated second from right.

His Eminence, Ezekiel, now Archbishop of Australia, is shown above as he visited Columbus in 1955 for the dedication of St. Catherine's Chapel. At that time, his Eminence was bishop of Chicago.

The year 1955 brought another step forward in the
growing Church. The property north of the Church was purchased for future needs and the lower level of the Church building was remodeled and redecorated into a small chapel and more class rooms. Another dream came true on November 19 and 20, 1955, when St. Catherine's Chapel was blessed by Bishop Ezekial of Chicago, assisted by Father Economides.

Our Community was very fortunate to have had a
Sunday School on a small scale from the early years of the Church, although it was not formally organized until after the dedication of St. Catherine's Chapel. With these facilities at hand, approximately 200 children receive spiritual training under the guidance of the priest and the mother teachers.

The Sixth Diocesan District was established at Pitts-
burgh, Pa. in July, 1956, to unify and control the Philo-ptochos Societies of the various communities. Mrs. Tom Saris was elected charter Board member. Our Philoptochos Society also became a member of the United Church Council of Women. Quite a memorable event occurred on November 4, 1960, when the United Council of Churches held their annual luncheon at our Church followed by a meeting with 200 women attending. A Coffee Hour following regular Church Services was introduced on August 6, 1956. Each organization was asked to donate $50 a year to the Coffee Hour and to serve as host in rotation. This social hour proved to be quite a success and all those attending Church enjoy the fellowship it affords.

The 25th Anniversary of the founding of the Philoptochos was celebrated on March 21, 1961, by honoring its chapter members.

A scroll was presented to each member or their family

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